Join us for the 
FY 2025 Virginia Local Government Investment Conference


Friday, September 20th, 2024
9:30 AM to 3:30 PM

Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens,
Joan Massey Conference Center
1800 Lakeside Avenue, Richmond, VA 23228


Details will be announced soon.

Financing & Municipal Advisory Services

Since 2003, VML/VACo Finance has assisted Virginia local governments and authorities in financing more than $1 billion in capital projects and equipment. As an MSRB-registered Municipal Advisor, we help you select the lowest-cost source of financing best suited for your unique requirements. We assist local officials with municipal bonds, bank loans, state loan programs, equipment leasing, and two low-cost programs, exclusive to VML/VACo Finance, with no program closing costs.

VACo/VML Pooled OPEB Trust

The Virginia Pooled OPEB Trust Fund is the largest OPEB investment pool in the U.S. With more than $1.5 billion in assets, we’re the #1 choice of Virginia localities and authorities looking to invest in a professionally-managed, high earning trust to offset their OPEB liabilities.

VIP – The Virginia Investment Pool

VIP is an investment pool designed by local Treasurers and chief investment officers specifically for Virginia local governments and authorities. Whether you are looking for a stable value fund for day-to-day cash flow requirements or a fund with a longer investment horizon and higher expected return, we have you covered. As of the end of FY 2024, VIP had invested assets of $3.704 billion.

Accounting Services

VML/VACo Finance places seasoned accountants in a variety of local assignments. We assist localities with pre-audit support, supplementing local finance staffs, and filling vacant positions on an interim basis. VML/VACo recently led the accounting team on a major municipal turnaround effort that enabled a locality to catch-up on its seriously past-due financial statements and obtain a clean audit opinion.